- GETRetrieve a swap configuration
- DELDelete a swap configuration
- PATCHUpdate a swap configuration
- GETList standing orders
- POSTCreate a standing order
- GETGet order book
- POSTConvert an amount from one currency to another
- GETGet rate
- DELDelete a rate
- PATCHUpdate a rate
- PATCHRemove contact from a market maker
- GETList rates
- POSTCreate a rate
- GETList supported rates
- GETList market makers
- POSTCreate a market maker
- GETList swaps
- POSTMake a swap
- GETRetrieve an order
- GETList orders
- POSTCreate an order
- GETList swap configuration
- POSTCreate a swap configuration
- PUTCancel an order
- GETGet swap rate
- POSTIncrease order book liquidity
- GETList currencies
- GETFetch current market prices
- GETRetrieve list of orders created from a standing order
- GETRetrieve market maker details for current account
- GETRetrieve a market maker
- PATCHUpdate a market maker
- GETGet swap
- PATCHAdd contact to a market maker
- GETRetrieve a standing order
- DELDelete a standing order
- PATCHUpdate a standing order
- POSTRetry failed but retryable transfer
- DELDelete transfers
- POSTAdd transfers
- GETList bulk payouts
- POSTInitiate a bulk transfer
- POSTcancel bulk transfer
- GETGet payout details
- GETGenerate a payout receipt
- GETGet charge for a payout
- GETList payouts
- POSTInitiate a payout
- GETGet bulk payout details
- POSTExecute bulk transfer
- POSTCancel a running payment session
- GETGet merchant profile
- PATCHUpdate merchant profile
- GETGet a payment link
- PATCHUpdate a payment link
- GETExport payment details
- POSTAuthorize a captured payment session
- GETGet encryption key
- GETGet payment stats
- POSTRetry the processing of a pending outgoing payment
- GETGet a hosted payment session
- GETList payment links
- POSTCreate a payment link
- GETGet a running payment session
- POSTCapture a payment session
- PATCHUpdate a pending payment session
- POSTInitiate a payment refund
- PATCHGet merchant profile
- GETGet payment details
- GETGet payment details
- POSTInitialize a payment session
Create an order
"data": {
"accepted_at": "2023-12-23T17:55:42.919523",
"average_fill_price": 80000,
"business_id": "dd625bec-b1a3-466e-867e-c91ae0b6e71e",
"correlation_id": "7da742ea-a1bc-11ee-b907-560f156a658b",
"created_at": "2023-12-23T17:55:42.911",
"expires_at": null,
"id": "7da75a46-a1bc-11ee-9a32-560f156a658b",
"min_qty": null,
"min_quote_qty": null,
"percent_filled": 10000,
"price": 80000,
"price_type": "market",
"qty": 1,
"quote_qty": null,
"status": "filled",
"symbol": "USD-NGN",
"time_in_force": "gtc",
"trades": [
"buy_order_id": "7da75a46-a1bc-11ee-9a32-560f156a658b",
"commission": 0,
"correlation_id": "7da742ea-a1bc-11ee-b907-560f156a658b",
"created_at": "2023-12-23T17:55:42.921",
"id": "7da8e726-a1bc-11ee-80cf-560f156a658b",
"price": 80000,
"sell_order_id": "7d97c0b8-a1bc-11ee-b240-560f156a658b",
"size": 1,
"symbol": "USD-NGN"
"type": "buy",
"updated_at": "2023-12-23T17:55:42.911",
"user_id": "b101f718-d133-450c-a572-c281c7341803"
Order creation params
Currency pair
Order type
, buy
Minimum quantity to be traded at a go, in base currency
Minimum quantity to be traded at a go, in quote currency
Order price, in minor units
Price type
, market
Order quantity, denominated in the base currency
Order quantity, denominated in the quote currency
, gtt
, ioc
, fok
Response schema for a single order
An order
Order book registration timestamp
Order average price, in minor units
Business ID
Correlation ID
Creation timestamp
Expiration timestamp
Order ID
Minimum quantity to be traded at a go, in base currency
Minimum quantity to be traded at a go, in quote currency
Percentage of qty filled, in basis points
Order price, in minor units
Price type
, market
Order quantity, denominated in the base currency
Order quantity, denominated in the quote currency
, cancelled
, rejected
, filled
, expired
, closed
Currency pair
, gtt
, ioc
, fok
An exchange trade
Buy order ID
Trade commission
Correlation ID
Creation timestamp
Order ID
Trade price
Sell order ID
Trade size
Currency pair
Order type
, buy
Update timestamp
User ID
"data": {
"accepted_at": "2023-12-23T17:55:42.919523",
"average_fill_price": 80000,
"business_id": "dd625bec-b1a3-466e-867e-c91ae0b6e71e",
"correlation_id": "7da742ea-a1bc-11ee-b907-560f156a658b",
"created_at": "2023-12-23T17:55:42.911",
"expires_at": null,
"id": "7da75a46-a1bc-11ee-9a32-560f156a658b",
"min_qty": null,
"min_quote_qty": null,
"percent_filled": 10000,
"price": 80000,
"price_type": "market",
"qty": 1,
"quote_qty": null,
"status": "filled",
"symbol": "USD-NGN",
"time_in_force": "gtc",
"trades": [
"buy_order_id": "7da75a46-a1bc-11ee-9a32-560f156a658b",
"commission": 0,
"correlation_id": "7da742ea-a1bc-11ee-b907-560f156a658b",
"created_at": "2023-12-23T17:55:42.921",
"id": "7da8e726-a1bc-11ee-80cf-560f156a658b",
"price": 80000,
"sell_order_id": "7d97c0b8-a1bc-11ee-b240-560f156a658b",
"size": 1,
"symbol": "USD-NGN"
"type": "buy",
"updated_at": "2023-12-23T17:55:42.911",
"user_id": "b101f718-d133-450c-a572-c281c7341803"